Dt.Jgd.Ch. Allpeachys Moments of Glory VDH/ZBrH SHE 21879 Tricolor HD B, MDR1+/-, PRA frei, PL Grad 0, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Dino Marino de Casa Wolveson VDH/ZBrH 19907 Tri-Color HD A, MDR1+/-, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Comedy's Exception VDH/ZBrH 16588 Bluemerle HD B, MDR1+/-, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei | |
Ch. Wendisle Tudors Crown Jewel NHSB 2.418.852 Tricolor MDR1+/-, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Ch. Shellove Ebony Icing VDH/ZBrH 21133 Tricolor HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Goodtimes Blazin' Hot Moments DKK 01749/2007 dunkelzobel HD A, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei | ||
Leigh-Hi's On The Rocks DKK 01768/2008 dunkelzobel | |||
Green Paradise Zoe of New Year VDH/ZBrH SHE 19668 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Scotsdream Still O'ThNite NHSB 2615658 tricolour MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei, ED-Grad 0 |
Ch. Scotsdream Premonition ANKC 2100192553 blue-merle PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |
Ch. Peerielee Music OTh Nite ANKC 2100167761 tricolour PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Green Paradise Kiara in Blue VDH/ZBrH 17166 Bluemerle HD B, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Feljima's Dashing Christmas Star NHSB 2430102 Tricolor HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Blue Yvette o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 16012 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Classic Scots Pringles Hot and Spicy Hündin Sheltie Tricolor HD B, MDR1 +/+, CEA frei |
D JgdCh. Classic Scots A Gentle Message Of Hope VDH SSCD 0407 Tricolor HD A, MDR1+/-, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Int. Ch.L, D, VDH ES'06, '07, BS'08, '09, DJ Ch. VDH&Club, VDH-J Sgr. '06, CS'10 Katiedale Ace Of Spades VDH/ZBrH 18254 tricolor HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Orean Rainbow Warrior KCSB 0776 CH Zobelweiß |
Katiedale Whitchhazel KCR AD03423502 Tricolor | |||
Sweet Papagena o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 18086 dunkelzobel HD C, MDR1+/-, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Sweet Billy Boy o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 16312 Zobelweiß HD A, MDR1+/-, CEA +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Sweet Vanilla o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 15611 dunkelzobel HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Green Paradise Beautiful Mind VDH/ZBrH SHE 20740 Tricolor HD A, MDR1 +/+ |
Int. Ch. Sunnangardens Tage M SKK 55877/2007 Tricolor PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Rannerdale Casanova SKK 38886/2006 Zobelweiß | |
Sunnangardens My SKK 53131/2004 Tricolor HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Green Paradise Kiara in Blue VDH/ZBrH 17166 Bluemerle HD B, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Feljima's Dashing Christmas Star NHSB 2430102 Tricolor HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Blue Yvette o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 16012 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |