D. Champ. VDH u. Club, D. Vet.Ch. Eros von der sheltieban.de männlich VDH ZBrH SHE 23867 * 04.05.2014 Sheltie Bluemerle M-Locus M*/M* (merle) , HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, PRA normal, Kat frei, DM (Exon 2) N/N, vWD Typ III clear 276098104778557 |
Ch. Warlock's Favour vom Ohmtalteufel VDH/ZBrH SHE 20031 Tricolor HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Grandgables Say it Again Sam SKK 16706/2004 Tricolor CEA frei |
Ch. Kencherry's Keep Top AKC DL91098201 Bluemerle |
Ch. Grandgables Twilite Charisma AKC DN03177401 Tricolor | |||
Ch. Dawnville Where There's Smoke VDH/ZBrH 18336 Bluemerle HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Grandgables Dressed to Impress VDH/ZBrH 16683 schwarzweiß HD A, CEA +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Ch. Dawnville Naughty By nature NHSB 2.323.773 Bluemerle PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Blue von der sheltieban.de VDH/ZBrH SHE 22902 Bluemerle HD B, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Dino Marino de Casa Wolveson VDH/ZBrH 19907 Tri-Color HD A, MDR1+/-, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Comedy's Exception VDH/ZBrH 16588 Bluemerle HD B, MDR1+/-, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei | |
Ch. Wendisle Tudors Crown Jewel NHSB 2.418.852 Tricolor MDR1+/-, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Little Marilu I. of Lasvegas VDH ZBrH SHE 21715 Bluemerle HD A, CEA +/-, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Blue Nick-Nack o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 17955 blue-merle HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei | ||
Quitte vom Schölecketal VDH ZBrH 17856 HD B, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Taiga Qui Gagnent Touts Les Coeurs Hündin VDH SSCD 3507 Sheltie Tricolor HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/-, PRA frei, Kat frei, DM (Exon 2) N/N, vWD Typ III clear |
Cani Amano Ab Imo Pectore Nero VDH SSCD 2056 schwarzweiß |
GrandGables Snappy dresser NHSB 2777462 Tri-Color HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei, DNA Profil |
Ch. GrandGables Sharp Dressed Man CKC ML802781 Tri-Color CEA +/+ |
Ch. GrandGables Tangled Web AKC DN17815301 Bluemerle HD B, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Little Diamond im Blue vom Sternensee NHSB2877573 Bluemerle HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Oracle of Light from Dangerous Dream SHSB/LOS 638536 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Black Organza vom Sternensee VDH ZBrH 16370 Tricolor HD B, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Fair Blue Qui Gagnent Touts Les Coeurs VDH SSCD 1489 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Gyp-Sea's Trigger Happy VDH SSCD 0566 Tri-Color HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Apple Acres Sharp Shooter AKC DL87016501 Tri-Color | |
Gyp-Sea's Jingle of Gold AKC DN02372202 Zobelweiß | |||
Daisy Blue von der Ahornallee VDH SSCD 0303 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Zambalo vom Rindsberg VDH ZBrH 12595 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Uta Black Queen von der Ahornallee VDH ZBrH 15786 Tricolor HD A, MDR1+/-, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |